Whoopee! Now, with the help of Evelyne Martin, my new website is up and running and it's all systems go.
www.jamescarringtondolls.com will find all you need to know, and see, about the current range of figures ready for Chicago International. So looking forward to seeing everybody there.
Then it's back for The Kensington Dollhouse Festival on May 11th and 12th before I get on another plane for The IGMA Guild School in Castine, Maine. A full class there too with old, and new friends to teach my new method of sculpting the 1.12th scale figures. Thank goodness I've had a try out for that and, to my surprise, it worked wonderfully. The method is so practical and, almost, foolproof.
This will make Miniature iTune, Denmark a really relaxed class in July. www.miniatureitune.com have all the details. Don't worry there's an English version there too, in fact English is spoken better in Scandinavia, it seems, than at home. Added to that their sense of humour is brilliant.
What a wonderful start to this new year.